Mandela Day 2024


portrait photo of zandi

At St George's home, we recently re-introduced an independent living programme for our young people above the age of 18. The flatlet on our premises accommodates four young people. Our young people need to show the necessary skills and wholesome behaviour, to be considered for our independent living programme. This programme, builds the essential bridge between living in a children's home and then the shock of independent living. Our flatlet is on our premises, as are our education and skills development programmes. This means our young people continue to be supported, like the young adult children they are.

18-year old Zandi* was placed in our care two years ago as a 16 year old who had suffered tremendously complex trauma. When first she started living in our home, she used to lash out in tremendous anger, amongst others, breaking several windows. Thanks to our proven therapeutic programmes, Zandi started to work through some of her trauma during the past two years in our home. She has learnt several new wholesome coping mechanisms. She is busy with her ABET Matric programme. And, she recently passed her level 4 ABET mathematics not only with a distinction, but with the added accolade of being named top achiever in our district. You can imagine, that her confidence is so much improved!

Thanks to Zandi's heartfelt progress, she was offered a position in our Independent Living Programme. An opportunity she harnessed with everything in her. This means, that she now shares the responsibilities of cooking, cleaning and studying independently, with 3 other young people. She is loving her new-found independence with her fellow flat mates. These days, Zandi goes shopping on her own, and to the clinic unaccompanied to collect her monthly medication.

Your donation this Mandela Day will help us to better equip Zandi's new home in our independent living facility. Our needs vary from linen, curtains and towels, to appliances, furniture and other household items.

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Our Needs

See how you can contribute to some of the needs to our homes or see how you can donate in-kind.

Ways to Volunteer

Give your time and/ or skills to support the children in our homes.

Leave a Bequest

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About Us

Vision: Helping Children take the next step.
Mission: We strive to make a positive difference in the lives of children that we render services to, in our residential and community programmes.

The Coalition of Anglican Children’s Homes comprises an amalgamation of two children’s homes: namely St George’s and St Nicolas Home.

The Children’s Homes have over 100 years of experience in providing residential and therapeutic care and support to children who have been placed in our care by the Children’s Court.

Learn More About Us
Annual Report 2023

Read more about what has happened in the last year and the progress of our children.

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What Kids are Saying About Us

Our prime purpose in this life is to help people.
And if you can't help them at least don't hurt them.

Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.